Sunday, March 22, 2009

A spring trip up north

Matthew climbing a tree. I remember when I was a kid, my brother and I used to always climb trees together. Now I watch my son as he enjoys the same thing. Thank goodness for a Carhartt jacket that can withstand the branches scraping against it.
Matthew teaching his cousin how to shoot his BB gun. He was very good at telling him all about gun safety as he showed him what to do.
Three of my kids and my nephew on a log in the woods.
The woods looked more like fall than spring. But it sure was beautiful.

The kids enjoyed hiking through the woods.
Some of the kids sitting with Papa by his favorite tree looking out over the creek.
Hiking through the fields. It was amazing how many anthills there are. You normally can't see them all because of the weeds. But the weeds are all dead and knocked down, so the anthills were everywhere.
Hiking through the pines. We planted these pines as little tiny seedlings and spent several summers mowing the weeds down around them. Now they are huge and beautiful.

Kevin riding on Papa's shoulders in the pines.

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