Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

It never ends

Well, we have been having a pretty good week with Michael. He has had only a handful of incidents and most of them have been "normal" 4 year old things. But then he has to blow it two of the last three nights by sitting on the rug watching a movie and just peeing on himself. The bathroom is only about ten feet away and yet he sits there and just pees. And not only does he pee himself, but then he just sits there in it for who knows how long until something happens that I notice he is wet. The first night I had told him to get up and get his jammies on and I noticed the wet pants and tonight it was when he put his foot up on my lap for me to cut his toenails and I got the whiff of pee. GROSS!! Please pray that he gets this figured out soon.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Michael continues to put us through many trials. He is insisting on stealing things (mostly food and drinks). He is continuing to throw screaming fits if he doesn't get his way. He struggles with obeying anybody other than us and sometimes he doesn't even listen to us very well. He really isn't a bad kid, but he refuses to make good choices. The above pictures show the first time we could get him to go near goats at any of the petting farms. He fed the goat and got very excited.
Matthew and Alisha continue to do very well in school. They love it and are really learning a lot.
Kevin has croup. His medicine is making him even more hyper than he already is.

We appreciate any and all prayers on our behalf.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Good Day

Well, Michael has been up and down with his behavior since he came home. He threw a hammer at a girl last week at Lowe's because he thought that she had picked up his hammer (even thought they were identical and all belonged to Lowe's anyway). Then he screamed for 30-45 minutes because I made him come sit by me. So today he didn't get to build at Home Depot. But after the building was done he got to participate in the rest of the day. The kids played in a bounce house, played carnival games, checked out a firetruck, went on a horse and wagon ride, visited a petting farm (at the park), did a fireman obstacle course (the older two boys did this), got pumpkins, and watched Scooby Doo. Michael behaved very well all day. He was a little loud in the afternoon, but that is just being a kid. I'm praising God that Michael has made it through two weeks of preschool and had a good day today. Now if we can just get him to stop peeing his pants after preschool. They don't monitor him in the bathroom and he drinks crazy amounts of water while at school.