Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Power of Prayer

This is the third Thursday in a row that our yahoogroup from our orphanage has had a day of prayer. It is amazing how much power there is in prayer. No, we have gotten any yes answers immediately, but God sure has used these days to grant an overwhelming amount of peace. Our group has shared verses and songs and stories to help encourage each other. God has sent some awesome verses to encourage me at just the right time. Please remember that prayer can include scripture and songs. We use scripture to "hear" what God is saying to us and songs to praise God and to speak to Him. Please spend some time in prayer for Michael today. Praise God for helping us find Michael and for getting us this far in the process. Praise him for Michael's health and safety and for the loving people that are caring for him. Then plead with God to allow Michael to come home soon and for continued health and safety. Our God is mighty and He will bring Michael home in His time.

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